Here are things I have learned about hayfever which have helped me and I am now mostly symptom free.
I developed hay fever symptoms after getting Hep B vaccine (I had to have it to work as a carer) I was so bad it even kept me in bed. Homeopathy helped a lot by getting rid of the side effects of the vaccine first then I got given a remedy specific to me. I still had to use most of the tips below to really clear it.
Watch you food: cow's milk and cheese are catarrh forming so cut them as much you can, (watch out for those tempting ice creams on sunny days! make some lollies from fruit smoothies instead (much better for your immune system too) You can use rice, almond, hazelnut oat milk which are now widely available in supermarkets. Wheat and soya can be problematic too so reduce these.
If you have some nettle tea, make
up a strong tea, as it helps has anti-histamine properties and you can or add a
little lemon juice (cleansing) and honey (local if possible) and drink it. You
can use young nettles in cooking - great for soup - (very similar to spinach)-
remember to use rubber gloves to prepare them.
Avoid the caffeine, alcohol and refined sugars as they trigger histamine release.
For the sore, itchy throat,
here is what I do: A cup of hot apple juice (made with concentrated apple juice
from my local health food store) with 1/2 a tea spoon of my spice mixture (This
is pre mixed in a spice jar ready for use- 1ts of ground ginger, 1 of ground
clove and 2 of ground cinnamon mix ready for use) stir and cuddle up somewhere
comfy and rest.
To help balance the immune
system: take Echinaforce (echinacea in liquid form from A.Vogel) especially
if you are prone to colds and flue the rest of the year. Bee propolis is good to take.
If it goes to your chest and
you are coughing then you can also take Ivy thyme complex from the same
company) Also read my earlier blog on clearing catarrh
For the runny nose you can
take Luffa Complex by the same company.
All 3 can be taken with water
together if necessary.
For the itchy eyes you can
bathe them (with a clean egg cup if you don't have an eye bath)with cooled
boiled water with a little bicarbonate soda added. Luffa complex mentioned
above is also helpful for itchy eyes.
Read more on hayfever.
To tackle the root cause of the imbalance, you may want to consider what is
irritating/ stressing you. You may find it is something you can't do
much about (having to care for elderly parents, a situation at work) but
you can still reduce the pressure you feel by checking in with yourself
to see what would help ease this and do you
best to state your needs clearly. (Make sure it is YOUR need, not what
you want
others to do, it is up to them how they respond to your need for
example, I
need to feel more supported- I need to rest -have a holiday...not I need
you to
cook dinner for me, do more round the house....- for more help with this
out about Marshall Rosenberg's Non Violent Communication or NVC)
Even if there is nothing you can do to change the situation, you can change how you view/perceive it. We often feel stressed
because we feel out of control. In fact if you think about the situation you
will realise that you are choosing to be there for some reason, often
because not being there seems worse - putting parents into a care home , being out of work for
example. By accepting that you have some choice in the matter can
reduce your stress levels.
You might find having a good
scream in a pillow and beating it (or beat the punch bag at the gym while
thinking of your stressful situation) can help you release that frustration -
better out than in.
If this isn't enough to create a
shift then EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing- helps to
reframe your situation and give you perspective. You can also watch these videos of how EMDR works on my
channel playlist .
Your body is letting you know
something is out of balance so take more time to listen to it. We often spend
too much time doing, not enough time being, resting, contemplating our
achievements or just being grateful. Allow yourself to be! Read more about stress and its effects
If none of this has helped,
alternative therapies for you to consider are Homoeopathy, Acupuncture,
Kinesiology or BodyTalk
I hope these help and please share
what works for you and let me know if you would like to use EMDR to reduce your
stress levels.