As another year passes, is it really our years that determines how well we are?
Many clients come to me and tell me that their problem is due to their age. If it is a knee problem for example then I have the following story to tell them: an 70 year old lady goes to the doctor with knee pain on her right side. The doctor says well it's your age! She sais, well my left knee is the same age and that doesn't hurt!
Research is showing more and more that what we think, how we perceive ourselves (often based on how others see us), which is what we believe, affects our well being and our physical health. Even to the point that it affects our age.
This body - mind connection is well known in the use of the placebo effect but those of the nocebo effect are much more powerful in my view.
As the article below mentions becoming mindful not of our breathing but of our thoughts, habits and what we have accepted to be true so far without questioning is the way forward for all our health.
This is key to my Body~Mind Coaching sessions. I ask lots of questions and offer different perspectives that make my clients think (making them more mindful) and that can help them change their expectations of how well they could really feel. The process also helps them feel physically different which can re-enforce a new belief about themselves that feeling better is possible.
Read more about the studies and the fascinating results on perceived age, eyesight, the immune system and general well being.
So you might want to ask yourself: what am I ready to question, challenge and let go of to make next year the one where you turn your life around and live to your full potential?
If you can do that on your own that that is brilliant, if you want help with the process then contact me and I would be happy to go through it with you. Have a happy New Year and a fantastic 2015!