We may think that we are making hundreds of decisions a day, but we are actually just doing exactly what we've done before, with very little thought.
Now, some habits are great. Like exercising regularly or getting enough sleep. But many of our habits make us less productive, less effective—less everything—than we could be.
So what can you do? You can change an old habit into a new habit.
While changing a habit isn't easy, it is simple—especially if you follow the process described by Charles Duhigg, author of the bestselling book The Power of Habit.
The key is to understand that you can't completely extinguish a bad habit, but you can change that habit—and still get the same "reward" you currently get from your old habit.
Here's how:
1. Redefine "must."
Think about your typical day. Very little of what you think you "must" do a certain way really must be. You may or may not have had a good reason in the beginning, but after a number of repetitions, it becomes routine, with little forethought. We rarely go back and evaluate, “is this the best way to accomplish my goal?”
The only way to change a habit is to first decide that the "must" can actually be negotiated or even eliminated.
Let’s say that your habit is to check your email first thing. You want to change that habit because you tend to get bogged down by a flood of correspondence that gets you off track. So how do you change that habit?
2. Determine the Cue.
Habits operate within a simple loop: cue, routine, and reward. The cue is the trigger that, based on some craving, shifts your brain into autopilot and initiates the routine. Whenever you feel an urge for a habit, that urge is the cue.
In the case of checking your email first thing, it may be as simple a cue as having your email client open on your computer desktop when you start work. Or having notifications set up so you get pinged every time an email comes in.
3. Determine the Routine.
This is easy. Your routine is the actual steps of your habit. It’s grabbing a donut with your morning coffee, cruising Facebook on your break – or, in this case, sitting down at your desk and checking email right away.
4. Determine the Reward.
Sometimes the reward isn't always so easy to figure out. Checking email may give you a feeling of control. Or a sense of relief that nothing horrible happened overnight.
So, think about the craving that is behind your habit. Grabbing a coffee at 11am may not be about coffee, but is instead a need to socialize or stretch your legs. Coffee is just an excuse or habit.
Identifying the reward is the key distinction here, because to change a habit the reward has to stay the same. You’re not going to deny yourself the reward—you'll just make the way you get that reward a lot more productive or positive.
5. Change the Routine.
Now that you know your cue and your reward, it’s time to change the routine.
If you check your email to make sure that no disasters happened overnight, then you need to find another way to get that reward of relief and safety.
Here’s one example: if you work with an assistant (virtual or otherwise), you can have them check your important emails and call you immediately if there is a disaster looming. Or have a separate email address, (i.e. critical@yourcompany.com) that is used only for emergencies, and that’s all you check first thing in the morning.
6. Write it down.
Now that you have all the pieces, the easiest way to implement a new habit is to write out a plan. The format is simple:
When (cue), I will (routine) because it provides me with (reward).
Do that enough times, and eventually your new habit will be automatic—and you'll be more productive!
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Business Coach & Mentor Barb Wade specializes in teaching entrepreneurs how to make more money more easily while enjoying a business and lifestyle that reflects their priorities. Download Barb's "Word-for-Word Scripts To Overcome Objections" and book more high-paying clients now at www.BarbWade.com
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