Of course this is what many people say. This is because the brain does not recognise a
negative. In the same way you can't not think of a pink elephant, you can't not forget. You can think of
a blue one instead but this is not the same as not thinking of a pink one.
If you want to 'not forget' you need to tell your brain what you actually want it it do
which is to remember and be specific about when you want to remember.
When we do
remember it is important that we acknowledge our brain for what it has
accomplished i.e. what we have asked it to do and remembered something.
most of the time we beat it up about it and say, Oh I forgot..... actually no,
you have just remembered! If you keep telling a child off, every time it does
what you asked it to do (just not at the time you want, because you did not
specify a time) then it will give up even remembering so that it doesn't get
told off. Tell yourself I need to remember to do/get such and such before I go to or before and give a specific time.
So remember, be kind to yourself all the time, there are plenty of
people out there ready to put you down, you don't need to do it to yourself.