Monday, 21 October 2013

Taking care of yourself is good for your business

I always practice what I preach, so looking after myself is No1 priority for me.
So many of my clients feel it is a luxury, that is till they get to see the results, then it is just a necessity like servicing a car and brushing your teeth.
Here are some reasons why it isn't, especially if you run your own business. Don't just take my word for it, here is what Michele PW says:  Taking care of yourself is good for your business.

If you don't even know where to begin looking after yourself, then give me a call and book a 30 min free consultation (on skype or in person) to see how I might be able to help you, help yourself.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Relaxation for better sleep, pain releif and a happier life

Did you know that the process involved in getting stressed is the same as the ones we use to relax?  If you find one easy then the other is easy too, it is just a matter of understanding how to do it.

De-Stress - the Body~Mind Coaching way

This workshop is for you if:
*You get stressed easily, yet find relaxing difficult.
*You would you like to ease back tension without the need for a massage.
* You find it difficult getting to sleep.
* Your neck and shoulders are tight and /or get headaches
* You want to know easy ways to relax properly especially if your idea of relaxing is watching TV.

There will be no sitting cross legged, meditating or chanting as these are not suitable everywhere and anywhere. The simple tricks and tools you will learn will help you in your everyday life.

Be warned, this could change you life!
Knowing how to reduce pain levels,  how to get a better quality sleep, how to go about daily life chores with less effort means you will have more energy.
Who knows what you could do with it!

Workshop Sat 2nd Nov 2013, 1pm to 4pm,
Integral Yoga Centre, Stratton, Swindon, Wilts, SN3 4PU

£38 Booking is essential as numbers are limited.
Book & Bring a friend: get £3 off

AND Save min £100 on private consultations.

To book contact Julie on 01793 495551 or If you click on the Julie link you will be sent to my contact page where you can  let me know how many places you want to book. Please put 2nd Nov in the subject line and you will receive an email to pay online if you wish.

5 habits to help or hinder you!

 I have just read an article about the 5 habits that cause depression 

1) Waiting for pity from others and feel sorry for yourself 
2)The habit of doing unpleasant things 
3)The habit of living in the past
4) The habit to compare yourself with others 
5) The habit to consider yourself worse than others

You can replace them with the 5 good habits for well-being: 

1) Cut down on coffee, tea, alcohol, chocolate and smoking as they suppress what you are really feeling and means you don't tackle the real issues that are causing  problems.
2) Eat less carbohydrates (white processed foods), have a min 12 gr protein per meal lots of veg and nothing other than water between meals.
3) Take some form of exercise every day-15min bike ride to work or a brisk walk at lunch time walk up the stairs every time rather than take an elevator will do.
4) Once a week have 90min just for yourself -a soak in the bath, read a book, go to a dance, yoga or pilates class, take time to meditate or fully relax (for help with this you could listen to my relaxation CD.
5) Treat yourself as if you were your best friend. Listen to what you would say to yourself if you were talking to your best friend about your situation.

All this will help you avoid the highs and lows of sugar peaks and help you get much better sleep, which is absolutely essential for well-being.

If you want more help, then come along to one of my talk demo's on EMDR, attend my relaxation workshop or book in for a 30 min free taster session, to find out how I could help you.

You can watch this video of how EMDR works.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

What to do with Stress...

Do you feel .... Overwhelmed, depressed, anxious?

Do you get angry easily, find it difficult making decisions?
Do you get headaches, hot flushes, palpitations?

These can be signs of  long term stress!

When you feel nervous about something in particular, going for an interview, taking a test... the sweating, anxiety, butterflies in your stomach these are signs that you are stressed about that issue.

Have you ever thought you would like it to be different but just put up with it because you don't know how else it could be or what to do to change it?   Would you really like to feel different?  Well...You can!

Come an find out: Wed 17th July  7.30m to 9.30pm
Talk Demonstration about STRESS and EMDR
£3 p/p or £5 for 2  Numbers are limited so booking is essential
Natural Therapy Centre
5 Bibury Road, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 1DD.
FREE parking in the street.  Ground floor and disabled access via ramp.

May be you just want to feel more confident, relaxed and clearer?

Then come and find out how stress is affecting you and how Body~Mind Coaching can help release stress quickly and easily with Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing known as EMDR.
You will get a chance to reflect on your own situation through a questionnaire you will be able to complete and take home. You might learn ways in which you can help yourself.
There will be time for questions and answers too.

Come along and find out how you can improve your health and wellbeing.
You will discover how Body~Mind Coaching can help make your goals dreams and aspirations come true more quickly and easily than if you do it on your own.

To book contact Julie 01793 495551 or If you click on the Julie link you will be sent to my contact page where you can  let me know how many places you want to book. Please put 17th July in the subject line and you will receive an email to pay online if you wish.

You can  also watch this video of a session 

Friday, 31 May 2013

"You Can Teach an Old Habit New Tricks"

Did you know that over 40% of the "decisions" we make every day aren't really decisions?
They're habits.
We may think that we are making hundreds of decisions a day, but we are actually just doing exactly what we've done before, with very little thought.
Now, some habits are great. Like exercising regularly or getting enough sleep. But many of our habits make us less productive, less effective—less everything—than we could be.
So what can you do? You can change an old habit into a new habit.
While changing a habit isn't easy, it is simple—especially if you follow the process described by Charles Duhigg, author of the bestselling book The Power of Habit.
The key is to understand that you can't completely extinguish a bad habit, but you can change that habit—and still get the same "reward" you currently get from your old habit.
Here's how:
1. Redefine "must."
Think about your typical day. Very little of what you think you "must" do a certain way really must be. You may or may not have had a good reason in the beginning, but after a number of repetitions, it becomes routine, with little forethought. We rarely go back and evaluate, “is this the best way to accomplish my goal?”
The only way to change a habit is to first decide that the "must" can actually be negotiated or even eliminated.
Let’s say that your habit is to check your email first thing. You want to change that habit because you tend to get bogged down by a flood of correspondence that gets you off track. So how do you change that habit?
2. Determine the Cue.
Habits operate within a simple loop: cue, routine, and reward. The cue is the trigger that, based on some craving, shifts your brain into autopilot and initiates the routine. Whenever you feel an urge for a habit, that urge is the cue.
In the case of checking your email first thing, it may be as simple a cue as having your email client open on your computer desktop when you start work. Or having notifications set up so you get pinged every time an email comes in.
3. Determine the Routine.
This is easy. Your routine is the actual steps of your habit. It’s grabbing a donut with your morning coffee, cruising Facebook on your break – or, in this case, sitting down at your desk and checking email right away.
4. Determine the Reward.
Sometimes the reward isn't always so easy to figure out. Checking email may give you a feeling of control. Or a sense of relief that nothing horrible happened overnight.
So, think about the craving that is behind your habit. Grabbing a coffee at 11am may not be about coffee, but is instead a need to socialize or stretch your legs. Coffee is just an excuse or habit.
Identifying the reward is the key distinction here, because to change a habit the reward has to stay the same. You’re not going to deny yourself the reward—you'll just make the way you get that reward a lot more productive or positive.
5. Change the Routine.
Now that you know your cue and your reward, it’s time to change the routine.
If you check your email to make sure that no disasters happened overnight, then you need to find another way to get that reward of relief and safety.
Here’s one example: if you work with an assistant (virtual or otherwise), you can have them check your important emails and call you immediately if there is a disaster looming. Or have a separate email address, (i.e. that is used only for emergencies, and that’s all you check first thing in the morning.
6. Write it down.
Now that you have all the pieces, the easiest way to implement a new habit is to write out a plan. The format is simple:
When (cue), I will (routine) because it provides me with (reward).
Do that enough times, and eventually your new habit will be automatic—and you'll be more productive!

WANT TO REPRINT THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE, BLOG OR WEBSITE? You're welcome to - just please include this complete blurb with it:
Business Coach & Mentor Barb Wade specializes in teaching entrepreneurs how to make more money more easily while enjoying a business and lifestyle that reflects their priorities. Download Barb's "Word-for-Word Scripts To Overcome Objections" and book more high-paying clients now at

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

When in pain, why you don't want to take painkillers!

Many people will reach for pain killers at the slightest sign of pain. This is of course the best thing for us to do, according to the advertising campaigns for painkillers, as it will help you to keep going!  Therein lies the problem, pain is actually an indication that there is something wrong with the body and it is its' way of telling us we need to stop and pay attention to what is going on.
As their name suggests, they are pain KILLERS (and they might kill you too - but that is another story) they will not treat the cause of the problem that has lead you to having a pain.

Pain is actually the last symptom that appears and the first one to disappear. So, when you take a painkiller to make the pain disappeared this doesn't mean that all is well, on the contrary you have just hidden your greatest ally that is helping you avoid getting into even more health problems. The reason the body is sending out the pain signal is because we have ignored all the other signals it has sent and it now has no alternative. Previous signals may have been fatigue, discomfort, stiffness, thirst for example and only when these are ignored or dealt with in a way that does not help the body (like taking alcohol or coffee) does it send pain signals.

Many of my clients will call for an appointment because of the pain. This is the easiest thing to treat and as I said will be the first symptom that disappears. From their perspective they are better, however as I see that this does not mean that the person is in a state of health. They are just in a state of slightly less ill health.

Unfortunately our 'healthcare' system is not focused on health but on disease. It is very good at fixing emergencies. For many chronic conditions people will often hear their doctors say: 'you will just have to learn to live with it'.  You are not guided to what you have to do in order to learn how to live with it!  So many people have come to accept that if there is no symptom then there is no problem and if there is a symptom and the doctor does not have a tablet for it then nothing can be done.

This is far from the truth. Usually the reason people have got to that point is that they have not been learning what their body is attempting to tell them and just taken more pain killers to hide the problem.
Body~Mind Coaching helps people find relief from pain by making them more aware of what they are doing that might be causing the pain helping them become more aware of the more subtle symptoms so they can correct the problem before it causes pain and therefore addressing the root cause.

SO... next time you notice pain, take a moment to find out what your body is asking for, what is it that it really needs. If it is a headache you may want to read my blog on 2nd Oct 2012

Thank you for reading and be well.
Any questions or comments on this I would be happy to answer. You can post them under comments below or contact me

Friday, 15 March 2013

Radio interview live on 25th March

Listen to me being interviewed by Gerry Reilly.
The programme is called 'mind your own business' and is all about local businesses and business news. 

Having been in my health business almost 20 years and starting a second business, called Bilingual Babies, last July, I think I know a thing or two about business. You will be able to find out more about how all this came about!

Mon 25th March 2013 ,
6pm to 7pm.
Swindon Community Radio: 105.5 FM

Happy listening!

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

De-stress and relax the Body-Mind-Coaching way

Next workshop (same details as below) is on the 6th April
Venue: Integral Yoga Centre, Stratton, Swindon
Time:1pm to 4pm
Investment: £35

Monday, 4 February 2013

De-Stress and loosen up workshop

Relaxation the Body~Mind Coaching way

 Just relaxation, no effort, no strain, no pain!

More flexibility, more fluidity, more energy … And lots of fun!

9th Feb - 1pm to 4pm  £30  Integral Yoga Centre, Stratton, SN3 4PU
Book by 31st Jan get £2 off  p/p — Book for 2 and  get £3 off
And save £100 min on the cost of private sessions
If you can't make the date, let me know as I am planning an other one
This workshop is for you if:

-You get stressed easily, just by thinking about things you find stressful (like a bad day at work), yet find relaxing difficult. 

-You would you like to ease back tension wherever you are, whether standing in a queue or having a conversation at a party.

-You find it difficult getting to sleep because you are either uncomfortable or your mind is racing.

-You often find you neck and shoulders are tight and /or get headaches

- If you want to know easy ways to relax properly especially if your idea of relaxing is to sit and watch TV.

Did you know that the process involved in getting stressed is the same as the ones we use to relax?  If one is easy then the other is easy too, when you know how!

This is not Yoga,  there will be no sitting cross legged, meditating or chanting . The simple techniques you will learn will help you in your everyday life. 

Be warned, this could change you life!
Knowing how to reduce pain levels,  how to get a better quality sleep, how to go about daily life chores with  less effort means you will have more energy. 
Who knows what you could do with it!
You will discover the joy of relaxation, through simple movements and techniques you can use, in your everyday life, to improve your posture and well-being
Feel free, centred, balanced and energised
Suitable for everyone! No experience of any kind required.
Wear warm, loose, comfortable clothing.
Numbers are limited so book now call: Julie Nicholls  01793  495551

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Fear of public speaking: 5 questions to help you manage your fear of public speaking

Here are some tips to help you with fear of public speaking.

1) If you were just talking to 1 person what would you say?
The issue is not actually self-conscious but other conscious. When you can be free of what others think of you, then you can be yourself and truly shine. Realise that all the people in the room are likely to know less about you topic than you do (unless of course you are in an exam)

2) What is the opportunity?
Is it really public speaking you are afraid of - or is it the consequence of something imaginary happening? Ask yourself: What is the worst thing that can happen? When you have the answer ask yourself what would happen next,… then what happens, then what… then… the worst thing that happens is often not as bad as we make out or it can be a re-routed opportunity. Whatever does happen you can learn something from it and you can always do better next time.

3) What is the real issue, the 1st trigger?
Mostly, we are not being self conscious enough the rest of the time (when not faced with an audience) to be aware of what is happening to the body and knowing what the initial first symptom is and what exactly triggered it. If we can spend time figuring that out then it becomes much easier to know how to manage it. Read more on this on my stormy weather blog (30-10-12)

You will probably find that it is something that happened in childhood probably at school when you first had to speak up in front of a classroom full of your peers (as you thought-ready to pick on you) and though this probably isn’t relevant any more it can still be the thing that is holding you back now.

4) What is the consequence if you don’t do the presentation?
Rather than focus on what might happen- what might go wrong when you speak in public, figure out what are the consequences of you not doing it. You may realise that doing it (possibly imperfectly) is better than not and this can then motivate you.

5) What is it you want to say?
As Peter Roper puts it: “know what you want to end with, then know where you are starting and massage the middle”. Don’t spend time focusing on all the detail, (unless you are giving a technical lecture) think about what impression you are wanting to put across, what is it you want your audience to get.

Now you have considered all of this do you feel any differently about public speaking? Your comments would much appreciated below.

If you still want more help then contact me and we can discuss how you could move forward and how Body~Mind Coaching can help you overcome fear of public speaking quickly, easily and for good!

Thursday, 3 January 2013

New Year Resolution: Don't stop. Start instead!

Belated Happy New Year! It is amazing how easily one can get sidetracked. My son developing chickenpox on New Year's Day was just enough to send all my plans out of the window.
So here I am now with this question for you: have you made your New Year’s resolution?  If so are you still on track? Or have old patterns got you sidetracked too.

Does your resolution sound something like: stop smoking, stop eating so much chocolate, stop this or that. If not, that's great. You problem you already know all about setting SMART goals.
If they do, then unfortunately you are unlikely to succeed. There are too many reasons to explain why in this blog. However, one of the main reasons is that when you focus on the thing you don't want, (like not smoking,) your brain just focuses on the smoking and so wants more of it.
The unconscious mind can’t recognise a negative. For example: if I say to you: don't think of the pink elephant with a blue tutu and a red umbrella, dancing on a tightrope; this was the very image you had in your mind, even though, I said, don't think about it!  If the brain can't think about the elephant then it has far too many other options and can't decide which other thing to think about, so it just keeps thinking about the pink elephant. However, if I say, think of the hippopotamus in a muddy hole you think of that instead of the pink elephant.
So if you want your resolutions to succeed, think about what it is you will gain from your particular action. Think of how you will feel, what you will be able to do, what will change in your life. Then think about what you need to start doing in order to make that happen.

If you're resolution is to have a healthier and more relaxed life, then here are some questions to help you.

Reduce stress questionnaire

Which 3 areas of my life do I feel cause me most stress?

Give each area a score out of 10 (10 being the greatest stress)

When I feel stressed, it leaves you with the following symptoms emotions or moods:   ….

I allow myself time to relax and unwind:  True or false

If false, what gets in the way?                        Do you feel guilty for taking time to you ? Yes / No

The way in witch I relax is: …….

I allow myself to do this once a week/ month/ quarter/ year?

When I do this, I feel completely peaceful and relaxed?

If not then what does leave you feeling relaxed and peaceful?
(If you don’t know check out relaxation workshop on my events page)

What could you change about your 3 areas of stress to help you be more relaxed?

Could you have an hour away from your responsibilities and have time just for you at least one a week?

What are you willing to do, to make your life more peaceful?

How would you feel if you made those changes?   

Is it worth it? 
I really do hope so, and I hope you can commit to making it happen.
Remember as Ralph Waldo Emerson said "We become what we think about all day long." 
If you are not sure where to begin or how to set your goals then book a free 30 min Body-Mind Coaching taster session to see how I can help you.
Quote: 'Blog' when you contact Julie by phone or email  

Whatever your resolution is, have a wonderful 2013