Thursday, 26 February 2015

Discover ways to ease pain and strain 4 Talk Demonstrations

 If you are not sure whether what I do might help you then why not come along to one or all of these talks and you'll find out.

 Learn simple movements and techniques you can use,

in your everyday life, to improve your well-being.

 16th March 8pm - Releasing stress, anger, frustration, guilt and fear

Demonstration of EMDR and self help techniques that will help you unwind and really release the tension in your body. This will help you regain energy and sleep better too.

13th April 8pm- Feet, balance and walking

Our feet enable us to do so many things yet we often take them for granted. They are the basis of good balance and when used correctly for walking (it is easy to tell if you are by looking at the soles of you shoes and see if they wear evenly) are powerful tools for self healing. Having happy feet can make you fell happy too!

 20th April 8pm - Neck and shoulders,

For most people tension is held in the shoulders and causes pain in the neck and headaches.  Many people stretch their arms forward to ease the tension yet this is the opposite of what you need to do to solve shoulder pain and tension.  Find out how to ease tension and improve round shouldered posture easily and without going to the gym.

27th April 8pm - Releasing the jaw.

Jaw tightness can cause headaches, tinnitus, sinus problem among other things.
Talks will last 1 1/2 to 2 hours depending on questions. 
Places limited to 8 so booking is essential.
£3.50 per person per talk or
£5 for either 2 people or 2 talks booked.

Venue: Natural Therapy Centre, 5 Bibury Road, Swindon, SN3 1DD
Free parking in the street.

 Feel the joy of a stress less life.

 To book or for more information and one to one sessions
Julie Nicholls 01793 495551

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Powerful questions to help you get clarity

Just saw a quote by Einstein which said: 'the important thing is not to stop questioning'

It is important though to ask the right kind of questions though!
Open ones rather than closed ones- i.e: ones that don't just have a yes or no answer.
Also I usually say don't ask questions starting with why, because we often don't know why (especially children) and even knowing why may not solve the issue.

I have noticed that when I am asked: 'why did you ....',  I immediately feel attacked, it feels like I have done something wrong and I need to justify my actions.  Being asked why I left the drawer open again, will just make me respond because I hadn't finished and was going to put the thing back I got out of there. This does not help the person who asked the question feel any better about it, nor does it help me change the behaviour that is obviously irritating the other person. By this time we are both defending our own position and an argument may arise.

If the person asked themselves what is it about the drawer being left open that irritates me, then they might find out they feel it is dangerous. Then they could say they would feel safer and more comfortable if I shut the drawer even if I am coming back later. This then doesn't sound like an attack and I am much more likely to respond favourably to the request.

Questions beginning with where, when, how, what will give you a much better idea of what is going on in the other person.
For example:
how does.. affect... what you do
how often does this occur,
when does such and such. occur,
what makes .....happen.

Here are some questions I ask clients that might help you understand more about what is affecting the way you feel.

When does it happen?
When is it worse?
When is it better?
How long have you felt this?
When did you first experience this?
What is it you would like instead?
Where were you when you first felt that way?
What helped you then?
Can you use that now?
If not then what else could help you?
What might stop you from doing that?
How can you overcome that?

Well I hope that just going through these questions has already helped you and if you want more then let me know, you don't have to struggle on your own, face to face or skype sessions are available, .

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Ease pain and strain talk demonstrations

Body~Mind Coaching 4 Talk Demonstrations

Learn simple movements and techniques you can use, in your everyday life, to improve your well-being


16th March 8pm -Releasing stress, anger, frustration
Demonstration of Trager, EMDR and self help techniques.

13th April 8pm- Feet, balance and walking
Having happy feet can make you fell happy too!

20th April 8pm - Neck and shoulders, 
Easing tension and improving round shouldered posture.

27th April 8pm - Releasing the jaw. 
Jaw tightness can cause headaches, tinnitus, sinus problem among other things.

Talks will last 1 1/2 to 2 hours depending on questions

£3.50 per person per talk or

£5 for either 2 people or 2 talks booked in advance.

Venue: Natural Therapy Centre, 5 Bibury Road, Swindon, SN3 1DD 
Free parking in the street   Places limited to 10

Feel the joy of a stress less life.

To book or for more information and one to one sessions

Julie Nicholls  01793 495551
Let me know what topic you would like me to give a talk on.